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Technical SEO and Websites Audit Dashboard

Stop wasting valuable time with projects that just isn’t you. Supercharge Your SEO with SEO Book Pro’s Comprehensive Dashboard Suite

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SEO Book Pro Beta v1.53.88r-c is a SEO and Websites Audit Dashboard designed to help with the technical SEO process.

It provides an overview of a website’s strengths and weaknesses, highlighting areas for improvement and offering recommendations for optimization. The dashboard can be used to track and monitor a website’s performance over time, ensuring that it remains optimized and in compliance with search engine guidelines. Overall, the SEO Book Pro Beta v 0.2.4 website audit dashboard is a valuable webmaster tool for any website owner or digital marketer looking to improve their site’s technical SEO and search engine visibility.

SEO Book Pro Beta v1.53.88 r-c

Welcome to SEO Book Pro, the ultimate custom Technical SEO and Website Audit Custom Dashboard.

Designed with the specific needs of businesses and business services in mind, Your SEO Book Pro empowers you to present your services online in the most effective way possible. Easy setup and management.

Are you in need of a FREE* Technical SEO and Website audit? Look no further!

With our Free Domain Audit, you can uncover common critical issues that may be impacting your website's performance. Our expert team will analyze your website's technical SEO aspects and provide you with valuable insights to improve your online presence.But that's not all! We go beyond just auditing your website. We offer you the opportunity to create a new client project, allowing you to track and monitor your website's SEO progress over time. By keeping a close eye on your website's ranks, you can make informed decisions and take proactive steps to boost your online visibility.

When you sign up with us, you'll receive daily updates on your website's ranks. This invaluable information will help you stay informed and take timely actions to improve your website's performance. Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity to gain insights into your website's health and enhance your SEO strategy. Start tracking and increasing your website's ranks today!

Let us help you unlock the potential of your website and achieve greater online success.

Introduction to SEO Book Pro

  1. Overview and Purpose
  2. Table of Contents – Organizing the Content
  3. Google Drive – Utilizing the Storage and Collaboration
  4. Google Cloud Console – Integrating Cloud Services
  5. Google Docs – Creating and Editing Documents
  6. Google Sheets – Managing Data and Analytics
  7. Google Slides – Designing Presentations
  8. App Script and V8 – Custom Scripting and Automation
  9. JavaScript, HTML, Bootstrap, CSS, XML, JSON – Web Technologies for Advanced Customization
  10. Scraping Google – Extracting Data for SEO Analysis
  11. Automating New Client Audits – Streamlining the Onboarding Process
  12. Macros – Enhancing Efficiency in Google Apps
  13. Creating New Client Folders – Organizing Data in Google Drive
  14. Comprehensive Domain Audit – Analyzing Domain Metrics and Health
  15. Website Audit – Evaluating Website Performance and Usability
  16. Pages and Links Audit – Assessing Page Quality and Backlink Profile
  17. Content Audit – Reviewing Content Relevance and Quality
  18. Code Audit – Ensuring Clean and Optimized Code
  19. Media Audit – Optimizing Images and Media Files
  20. Schemas Audit – Implementing Structured Data for Enhanced Visibility
  21. Competitor Analysis – Analyzing Competitors’ Strategies
  22. Integrating Ahrefs, SEMrush, Moz – Utilizing Popular SEO Tools
  23. Screaming Frog and Majestic – Crawl and Backlink Analysis
  24. Working with Google APIs – Utilizing Google’s SEO-related APIs
  25. Analytics and Search Console – Monitoring Website Performance
  26. Google Ads and AdSense – Implementing and Optimizing Ads
  27. Programmable Custom Search – Enhancing On-site Search Experience
  28. Google Analytics 4 (GA4) and Tag Manager – Advanced Tracking and Tagging
  29. Eight Package Options – Customizing Plans for Different Users
  30. Social Media Profiles – Connecting with SEO Book Pro Community

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SEO Audits Data

  1. Does the website have a sitemap and is it submitted to search engines?
  2. Is the website mobile-friendly and does it have a fast loading speed?
  3. Is the website's URL structure organized and easy to understand?
  4. Is there a clear hierarchy in the website's internal linking structure?
  5. Are the website's images optimized with descriptive file names and alt tags?
  6. Are the website's headings (H1, H2, H3, etc.) structured appropriately?
  7. Does the website have quality, relevant, and unique content?
  8. Are there any broken links or 404 errors on the website?
  9. Are there any duplicate content issues on the website?
  10. Does the website have a clear and accurate meta description and title tags?
  11. Does the website have a keyword-optimized content strategy in place?
  12. Is the website utilizing social media and online business directories to improve its online presence?
  13. Does the website have an SSL certificate installed for secure browsing?
  14. Are there any crawl errors or security issues that need to be addressed?

SEO Book PRO -> From the Firehouse

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Core Principles of SEO by SEO Book Pro

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Core Principles of SEO by SEO Book Pro
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The Importance of SEO

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SEO Audit Dashboard

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2024 SEO Audit Checklist: A Guide by SEO Book Pro

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2024 SEO Audit Checklist: A Guide by SEO Book Pro
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2024 SEO Case Studies: Learnings from SEO Book Pro

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2024 SEO Reporting: Metrics That Matter with SEO Book Pro

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2024 SEO Trends: Staying Ahead with SEO Book Pro Strategies

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AI in SEO: Navigating the Future with SEO Book Pro

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AI in SEO: Navigating the Future with SEO Book Pro
Caption: AI in SEO: Navigating the Future with SEO Book Pro

Image description: AI in SEO: Navigating the Future with SEO Book Pro
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Content is King: Crafting Engaging Content with SEO Book Pro 2324 Views

Content is King: Crafting Engaging Content with SEO Book Pro

Reading Time: 0 min
Content is King: Crafting Engaging Content with SEO Book Pro
Caption: Content is King: Crafting Engaging Content with SEO Book Pro

Image description: Content is King: Crafting Engaging Content with SEO Book Pro
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E-A-T and SEO Book Pro: Building Trust in 2024

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E-A-T and SEO Book Pro: Building Trust in 2024
Caption: E-A-T and SEO Book Pro: Building Trust in 2024

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E-commerce SEO: Boosting Sales with SEO Book Pro

Reading Time: 0 min
E-commerce SEO: Boosting Sales with SEO Book Pro
Caption: E-commerce SEO: Boosting Sales with SEO Book Pro

Image description: E-commerce SEO: Boosting Sales with SEO Book Pro
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Featured Snippets Mastery: SEO Book Pro Techniques

Reading Time: 0 min
Featured Snippets Mastery: SEO Book Pro Techniques
Caption: Featured Snippets Mastery: SEO Book Pro Techniques

Image description: Featured Snippets Mastery: SEO Book Pro Techniques
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Google Algorithm Updates: A Deep Dive into SEO Book Pro’s Impact 2324 Views

Google Algorithm Updates: A Deep Dive into SEO Book Pro’s Impact

Reading Time: 0 min
Google Algorithm Updates: A Deep Dive into SEO Book Pro’s Impact
Caption: Google Algorithm Updates: A Deep Dive into SEO Book Pro’s Impact

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International SEO: Expanding Reach with SEO Book Pro 2324 Views

International SEO: Expanding Reach with SEO Book Pro

Reading Time: 0 min
International SEO: Expanding Reach with SEO Book Pro
Caption: International SEO: Expanding Reach with SEO Book Pro

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Link Building Reimagined: SEO Book Pro’s Innovative Approaches

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Caption: Link Building Reimagined: SEO Book Pro’s Innovative Approaches

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Local SEO in 2024: SEO Book Pro Best Practices

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Mastering Local SEO: A Comprehensive SEO Book Pro Approach 2324 Views

Mastering Local SEO: A Comprehensive SEO Book Pro Approach

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Mastering Local SEO: A Comprehensive SEO Book Pro Approach
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Image description: Mastering Local SEO: A Comprehensive SEO Book Pro Approach
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Mastering the Art of SEO Book Pro Competitor Analysis 2324 Views

Mastering the Art of SEO Book Pro Competitor Analysis

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Mastering the Art of SEO Book Pro Competitor Analysis
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Mobile-First SEO: SEO Book Pro’s Guide for Success 2324 Views

Mobile-First SEO: SEO Book Pro’s Guide for Success

Reading Time: 0 min
Mobile-First SEO: SEO Book Pro’s Guide for Success
Caption: Mobile-First SEO: SEO Book Pro’s Guide for Success

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Page Experience Signals: SEO Book Pro Optimization

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SEO Book Pro Certification: Your Path to SEO Mastery

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SEO Book Pro Certification: Your Path to SEO Mastery
Caption: SEO Book Pro Certification: Your Path to SEO Mastery

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SEO Book Pro Tools: Optimizing Your Workflow for Results

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SEO Book Pro Tools: Optimizing Your Workflow for Results
Caption: SEO Book Pro Tools: Optimizing Your Workflow for Results

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SEO Book Pro and Google Analytics: Enhancing Insights

Reading Time: 0 min
SEO Book Pro and Google Analytics: Enhancing Insights
Caption: SEO Book Pro and Google Analytics: Enhancing Insights

Image description: SEO Book Pro and Google Analytics: Enhancing Insights
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SEO Book Pro for Startups: Building a Strong Foundation 2324 Views

SEO Book Pro for Startups: Building a Strong Foundation

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SEO Book Pro for Startups: Building a Strong Foundation
Caption: SEO Book Pro for Startups: Building a Strong Foundation

Image description: SEO Book Pro for Startups: Building a Strong Foundation
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SEO Book Pro: The Ultimate Guide to SEO in 2024 2324 Views

SEO Book Pro: The Ultimate Guide to SEO in 2024

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SEO Book Pro: The Ultimate Guide to SEO in 2024
Caption: SEO Book Pro: The Ultimate Guide to SEO in 2024

Image description: SEO Book Pro: The Ultimate Guide to SEO in 2024
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The Impact of Social Media on SEO Book Pro Strategies 2324 Views

The Impact of Social Media on SEO Book Pro Strategies

Reading Time: 0 min
The Impact of Social Media on SEO Book Pro Strategies
Caption: The Impact of Social Media on SEO Book Pro Strategies

Image description: The Impact of Social Media on SEO Book Pro Strategies
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The Role of UX in SEO Book Pro Strategies 2324 Views

The Role of UX in SEO Book Pro Strategies

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The Role of UX in SEO Book Pro Strategies
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Understanding Core Web Vitals with SEO Book Pro

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Understanding Core Web Vitals with SEO Book Pro
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Video SEO Strategies: Harnessing the Power of SEO Book Pro

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Video SEO Strategies: Harnessing the Power of SEO Book Pro
Caption: Video SEO Strategies: Harnessing the Power of SEO Book Pro

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To Learn More about Schema Markup for Video visit the site for VideoObject

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{ "@context": "", "@type": "Article", "headline": "", "image": "", "author": { "@type": "", "name": "" }, "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "" } }, "datePublished": "" }

Breadcrumbs's reference

Breadcrumbs Google's documentation

{ "@context": "", "@type": "BreadcrumbList", "itemListElement": [{ "@type": "ListItem", "position": 1, "name": "", "item": "" },{ "@type": "ListItem", "position": 2, "name": "", "item": "" }] }

A FAQPage is a WebPage presenting one or more "Frequently asked questions" (you can see also QAPage).

{ "@context": "", "@type": "FAQPage", "mainEntity": { "@type": "Question", "name": "", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "" } } }

Instructions that explain how to achieve a result by performing a sequence of steps. Removed the How-to rich result case study, as this feature is deprecated.

{ "@context": "", "@type": "HowTo", "name": "", "step": { "@type": "HowToStep", "text": "" } }

Job Posting's reference

Job Posting Google's documentation

A listing that describes a job opening in a certain organization.

{ "@context": "", "@type": "JobPosting", "title": "", "description": "", "hiringOrganization" : { "@type": "Organization", "name": "" }, "datePosted": "", "validThrough": "", "jobLocation": { "@type": "Place", "address": { "@type": "PostalAddress", "streetAddress": "", "addressLocality": "", "postalCode": "", "addressCountry": "" } } }

Local business's reference

Local business Google's documentation

When users search for businesses on Google Search or Maps, Search results may display a prominent Google knowledge panel with details about a business that matched the query. When users search for a type of business (for example, "best NYC restaurants"), they may see a carousel of businesses related to the query. With Local Business structured data, you can tell Google about business hours, different departments within a business, reviews (if your site captures reviews about other businesses), and more. If you want to help users to make a reservation or place an order directly in Search results, you can use the Maps Booking API to enable bookings, payments, and other actions.

A particular physical business or branch of an organization. Examples of LocalBusiness include a restaurant, a particular branch of a restaurant chain, a branch of a bank, a medical practice, a club, a bowling alley, etc.

{ "@context": "", "@type": "LocalBusiness", "name": "", "image": "", "@id": "", "url": "", "telephone": "", "address": { "@type": "PostalAddress", "streetAddress": "", "addressLocality": "", "postalCode": "", "addressCountry": "" } }

Organization - Logo, Contacts, Social Profile's reference

Organization - Logo, Contacts, Social Profile Google's documentation

Specify the image Google Search uses for your organization's logo in Search results and in the Google knowledge panel. Google Search uses the markup in the use case example to recognize the image to use as the organization's logo. This ensures that, when possible, the image appears in search results about the company. Markup like this is a strong signal to Google Search algorithms to show this image in knowledge panels.

An organization such as a school, NGO, corporation, club, etc.

Organization Sample Code

{ "@context": "", "@type": "Organization", "name": "", "url": "", "logo": "" }

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