Programmable Custom Search Engine Beta v.0.2.03 r-c

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Rich Results Schemas Online Generators by SEO Book Pro Tools.

Use this structured data live online generator to create JSON-LD markups, including all of the required item properties and more. Click on the Google and Schema Buttons icon to test your markup with the Structured Data Testing Tool and/or the Rich Results Test.

Schema Markup JSON-LD Online Code Generators

Schema Markup JSON-LD Generators. Generate the Valid Rich Results and Structured Data Markups for your website and copy/paste it directly to your code, headless CMS or GTM. Select the Structured Markup Type you want to implement from the drop down below and follow the Instructions. Each JSON-LD Live Code Generator have Guided Steps, FAQ's, Documentation and Help Videos.

If you need more Advanced Structured Data requirements use button and fill the form to get in touch with our Advanced Customer Services and Talk about your Ideas.

Having WordPress and Need Structured Data Markup?

Having WordPress Website and need a valid automated/manual Rich Results and Structured Markup for your WordPress Posts, WordPress Pages etc. Check our WordPress JSON-LD Structured Markup Plugin or the JSON-LD Live Demo or go to our GitHub Repository to get the Code

  • Article

    A news, sports, or blog article displayed in various rich result features, such as the title of the article and larger-than-thumbnail images.

    Article Structured Data

    Google Search Central: Visit the Article (Article, NewsArticle, BlogPosting) structured data Google Official Documentation Page

  • Carousel

    Rich results that display in a sequential list or gallery from a single site. This feature must be combined with one of the following features: Recipe, Course list, Restaurant, Movie.

    Title: "Delicious Recipes Showcase: Explore Mouthwatering Dishes"

  • FAQ

    A Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) page contains a list of questions and answers pertaining to a particular topic.

    Title: "All Your Burning Questions Answered: Our Comprehensive FAQ"

  • Local business

    Business details displayed in the Google knowledge panel, including open hours, ratings, directions, and actions to book appointments or order items.

    Title: "Discover Your Neighborhood Gem: XYZ Cafe"

  • Organization

    Information about your organization, such as your logo, legal name of the organization, address, contact information, and company identifiers. This information can show up in knowledge panels and other visual elements (such as attribution)

    Title: "Leading the Way: ABC Foundation's Impact on Communities"

  • Product

    Information about a product, including price, availability, and review ratings.

    Title: "Unveiling Innovation: Introducing the XYZ Smartphone"

  • Profile page

    A page that primarily focuses on information about a single person or organization that is somehow affiliated with the overall website.

    Title: "In the Spotlight: Meet Our Founder, Jane Doe"

  • Review snippet

    A short excerpt of a review or a rating from a review website, usually an average of the combined rating scores from reviewers. A review snippet can be about Book, Recipe, Movie, Product, Software App, and Local business.

    Title: "Top Picks: The Best Restaurants in Town According to Critics"

  • Sitelinks search box

    A search box that is scoped to your website when it appears as a search result.

    Title: "Find What You're Looking For: Explore Our Site with Ease"

  • Video

    Video information in search results, with the option to play the video, specify video segments, and live-stream content.

    Title: "Captivating Visuals: Dive into Our Latest Video Series"

All JSON-LD Structured Data Generators

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